Fraud and Asset Tracing

Fraud, Asset Tracing, Freezing and Recovery

The Fraud and Asset Tracing team at Tanner De Witt offers legal solutions in relation to investigations and disputes arising from commercial fraud, asset misappropriation and business or white collar crime.

Troy Greig and Jeff Lane and are the Hong Kong representatives of FraudNet and FraudNet Future, the ICC’s network of fraud specialists.


Fraud and Asset Tracing – Legal Advice and Representation

Our Hong Kong lawyers are regularly involved in complex, high-value commercial disputes. Our practitioners are recognised for their ability to deal with domestic and multi-jurisdictional fraud, asset tracing and recovery exercises. As an independent Hong Kong law firm, we have close relationships with leading practitioners in many other jurisdictions. We are frequently instructed by international law firms and other professional service providers such as major accountancy firms to coordinate and manage recovery teams in Asia as a part of a worldwide recovery.

If you believe you are the victim of Identity Theft Fraud, please read our article here.

We provide legal services relating to fraud and other commercial crimes in matters involving allegations of financial fraud, theft, money laundering and related crimes. The Firm is also experienced in providing legal services relating to the investigation of public corruption, bribery and foreign corrupt practices in Hong Kong and overseas.

  • Tracing, freezing and recovering stolen or misappropriated assets
  • Anton Piller “search and seize” orders
  • Mareva “freezing” injunctions
  • Third party and disclosure orders
  • Forensic investigations relating to corporate or public corruption
  • Suspicious Transaction Reporting (STR)

In addition we help clients manage and reduce risk by offering customised fraud prevention programmes, compliance training and assistance in mitigation of loss and damage resulting from fraud and related issues. We have established helpful contacts in relevant regulatory and law enforcement agencies. We are the duly appointed representative of FraudNet, a global network of asset recovery specialists organised under the International Chamber of Commerce’s commercial crime services secretariat in London.

  • Acted for two major international banks involved in an multi-million dollar arbitration involving the fraudulent transfer of funds between a UK-based private equity firm and a well-known hospitality group in China;
  • Acted for client involved in an alleged fraud made in trading high value artwork to the value of approximately US$2bn;
  • Multi million dollar recovery of funds embezzled by three former employees of a German company internationally operating in the plant and engineering sector;
  • Acted for Swedish-based listed company in multi million dollar internet identify theft fraud with proceeds laundered in Hong Kong and China;
  • Acted for three private banks in Guernsey, Switzerland and Singapore involved in complex and sophisticated identity theft fraud;
  • Acted for business owner involved in a boiler room fraud worth US$4 million;
  • Acted for plaintiff in an apparent fraud through an offshore fund regarding pre-IPO shares in an international media company;
  • Acted for former director of a Hong Kong subsidiary of a building materials and construction company listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange alleged to have caused substantial losses through breach of duty via a carousel fraud in Romania.

Tanner De Witt’s lawyers aim to provide practical and commercial advice, acting with urgency and discretion in accordance with clients’ needs and preferences. Our team of Fraud and Asset Tracing specialists works closely with clients, engineering options to reach desired results, most often under high levels of pressure and within tight time frames.

Tanner De Witt has well developed relationships with overseas professional services providers, including offshore law firms, accountants and tax advisers.  This international network of experts is easily accessible by our lawyers ensuring clients receive comprehensive advice that is tailored to their circumstances.