Sunny Hathiramani
Legal update: Presenting winding-up/bankruptcy petitions based on foreign judgment debts – Is registration required?
Can a foreign order or judgment be immediately enforced in Hong Kong? Generally, the answer is no. Depending on where the judgment comes from, either it must first pass registration under the Foreign Judgments (Reciprocal Enforcement) Ordinance, or if not caught by that ordinance, there…Read More
An update on cross-border insolvency cooperation in Hong Kong: recognising and assisting foreign insolvency practitioners
A crucial aspect of cross-border insolvency cooperation is the recognition of foreign proceedings and providing assistance to foreign office holders. A helpful explanation of the purpose of recognition was provided by Lord Hoffman in Cambridge Gas:“[t]he purpose of recognition is to enable the foreign office…Read More
Four things for directors to keep in mind when considering appointing liquidators
Handing over control of a company to strangers is a tough decision, but is one that is ever-present for a director facing the prospect of insolvency. Ian De Witt and Troy Greig point to some high-level issues that any sensible director facing this scenario should…Read More
The Legal 500 2021 rankings are announced for Asia-Pacific
Tanner De Witt is proud to be recommended this year in The Legal 500 Asia Pacific Guide 2021 for its four main practice areas; corporate and commercial, employment, restructuring and insolvency and dispute resolution. Notably, partners Ian De Witt, Robin Darton and Kim Boreham are ranked in the Hall of Fame, while Pamela Mak is recognised…Read More
Legal update: Bankrupt’s contact details are not ‘confidential’, ‘private’ or ‘privileged’
A bankrupt’s solicitors can be required to handover to the trustees in bankruptcy the bankrupt contact information, full details of last known whereabouts, and client trust account ledger records, pursuant to section 29 of the Bankruptcy Ordinance. The successful deployment of the trustees examination powers…Read More
Tanner De Witt recognised in Global Restructuring Review’s GRR100 2020 list
We are delighted to announce that Tanner De Witt’s award-winning, top tier Restructuring and Insolvency practice is once again listed in the Global Restructuring Review’s GRR100 2020 compilation of the world’s leading law firms for cross-border restructuring and insolvency matters. This year, we are the…Read More
Sunny Hathiramani and Veronica Chan give a presentation to HKICPA Restructuring and Insolvency Faculty members
Restructuring and Insolvency Partner Sunny Hathiramani and Solicitor Veronica Chan were recently invited by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants Restructuring and Insolvency Faculty (RIF) to give a live webinar on liquidators’ personal liability for costs, litigation funding, and related case law developments….Read More
Press release: Sunny Hathiramani named in ALB’s “40 Under 40” list of most outstanding young lawyers in Asia
For media: Download a PDF copy of this press release at this link. Tanner De Witt announces with great pride and pleasure the inclusion of Restructuring and Insolvency Partner, Sunny Hathiramani, in Asian Legal Business’ list of 40 Under 40 lawyers. This year’s line up features a…Read More
Press release: Tanner De Witt celebrates 100% trainee retention rate and welcomes 2020 intake
For media: Download a PDF copy of this press release at this link. Hong Kong law firm Tanner De Witt is delighted to announce that it is retaining 100% of its trainees who are due to qualify in 2020, after all three trainees have accepted solicitor positions…Read More
Tanner De Witt wins 2020 IFLR Innovative Law Firm Award in Hong Kong
We are pleased to announce that Tanner De Witt has won IFLR’s 2020 award for Most Innovative Law Firm of Hong Kong. IFLR highlighted the challenging restructuring work Tanner De Witt has been involved in over the years, including “acting for the purchaser, China Cinda,…Read More
The Legal 500 2020 rankings are announced for Asia-Pacific
Tanner De Witt is proud to once again be recommended this year in The Legal 500 Asia Pacific Guide 2020 for its four main practice areas; corporate and commercial, labour and employment, restructuring and insolvency and litigation and dispute resolution. Notably, partners Ian De Witt, Robin Darton and Kim Boreham have retained their leading…Read More
Tanner De Witt supports IWIRC Hong Kong’s Black Tie Dinner 2019
The Tanner De Witt team was out in full force at the IWIRC Hong Kong Black Tie Dinner 2019, which was held at The Hong Kong Club on 19 June. Ian De Witt, Robin Darton, Kim Boreham, Sunny Hathiramani, Jan Willem Moller, Anthony Hill, Troy…Read More