Corporate and Commercial Law
Data Breach Response: The role of the incident response team
There is no “i” in “team,” but there is I.T. in the incident response team to a data breach. In this article, Pádraig Walsh from the Privacy and Cybersecurity practice group of Tanner De Witt looks at the key people involved in the incident response…Read More
Data Breach Response: The management response
A data breach can be a crisis, and crisis management is a true test of character and leadership. In this article, Pádraig Walsh from the Privacy and Cybersecurity practice group of Tanner De Witt looks at how executive management should approach and respond to a…Read More
Key Points in the FSTB Consultation Paper to the new licensing regime for VASPs
The Financial Service and Treasury Bureau released a consultation paper on 3 November 2020, proposing amendments to the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Ordinance (Chapter 615, Laws of Hong Kong)(“AMLO”) to introduce a licensing regime for virtual asset services providers (“VASP(s)”). River Stone, Pádraig Walsh…Read More
Legal issues in the booming arts industry – what you need to know
This article was originally published in the Dutch Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong’s DutchCham magazine. As investors all over the globe are looking to diversify beyond the volatile and uncertain stock and bonds markets, they increasingly turn to alternative investment classes such as wine,…Read More
Press release: Tanner De Witt boosts technology practice with appointment of consultant Nigel Stamp
For media: Download a PDF copy of this press release at this link. Tanner De Witt announces with great pleasure the appointment of technology law veteran Nigel Stamp as Foreign Legal Consultant. The appointment was effective Monday 25 January 2021. Nigel’s addition to the firm is part…Read More
Data Breach Response: The notification
If a tree falls in the woods, but no-one sees or hears it, did it ever really happen? Tough question. Here’s another one. If a data breach occurs, but the data subject does not know of it, did it ever really happen? Data breach notification…Read More
Data Breach Response: The first 24 hours
A data breach can be a crisis, but if you have a plan for the first 24 hour response, you can avoid making a drama out of a crisis. In this article, Pádraig Walsh from the Privacy and Cybersecurity practice group of Tanner De Witt…Read More
The Legal 500 2021 rankings are announced for Asia-Pacific
Tanner De Witt is proud to be recommended this year in The Legal 500 Asia Pacific Guide 2021 for its four main practice areas; corporate and commercial, employment, restructuring and insolvency and dispute resolution. Notably, partners Ian De Witt, Robin Darton and Kim Boreham are ranked in the Hall of Fame, while Pamela Mak is recognised…Read More
Data Breach Response: The importance of training
In a crisis, you don’t rise to the level of your aspiration, you fall to the level of your training. In this article, Pádraig Walsh from the Privacy and Cybersecurity practice group of Tanner De Witt explains why training before a data breach occurs is…Read More
Change is not coming: Further possible improvements to privacy protection in Hong Kong
Almost a year ago, the Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau, in collaboration with the Privacy Commissioner of Hong Kong, provided its report on recommended changes to personal data privacy law in Hong Kong. There were six key proposals, but also some omissions. In the final…Read More
Legal update: Client facilitation in the execution of residual odd lots
The Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (the “SFC”) issued an FAQ on 18 December 2020 clarifying the applicability of the exemption from the requirement for licensed corporations (“LCs”) to obtain explicit client consent on a trade-by-trade basis prior to each client facilitation trade. As a…Read More
Data Breach Response: The importance of information security certifications
In every corner of the business world, people measure performance to benchmarks and standards. Information security is no different. In this article, Pádraig Walsh from the Privacy and Cybersecurity practice group of Tanner De Witt explains why certification for recognised information security standards supports an…Read More