Legal Updates


Legal update: Proposed Amendments to Hong Kong’s Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Regulations

The Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing (Financial Institutions) (Amendment) Bill 2017 (“the Bill”) was introduced into the Legislative Council (“LegCo”) on 28 June 2017. The Bill seeks to make enforceable against designated non-financial businesses and professions (including solicitors, foreign lawyers, accountants, estate agents and trust…Read More


Reasons for a shareholders’ agreement

Where a company has more than one shareholder, it is recommended that the shareholders enter into a written shareholders’ agreement to manage their expectations and to provide for when any disagreements may arise between the parties to the shareholders’ agreement. It is also common for…Read More


Legal update: third party funding of arbitration

Background Traditionally litigation funding has been illegal in common law jurisdictions. There were concerns that such funding could result in subornation, threaten the impartiality and integrity of judicial procedure and lead to a culture of excessive litigation. However restrictions on maintenance and champerty prevent legitimate…Read More


Legal update: Is your will your will?

Ilott v Mitson [2017] UKSC 17 – update Background This case was previously featured in a post entitled “Is your will your will?“. The case concerned the Will left by a Mrs. Jackson after her death in June 2004. Mrs. Jackson was survived by her only…Read More


Court confirms tort of harassment in Hong Kong

In 2013, the case of Lau Tat Wai v Yip Lai Kuen Joey established the tort of harassment as a part of the common law in Hong Kong, in order to (quoting the Judge) “protect the people of Hong Kong who live in a small…Read More


Can regulated ‘offenders’ treat a criminal conviction as a ‘spent conviction’?

Section 2 of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Ordinance Cap 297 (“ROO”) is a godsend for offenders convicted for the first time and sentenced to a fine of less than HK$10,000 or to imprisonment of 3 months or less. An offender is entitled to treat the…Read More


Who is a “child of the family”?

Who is a “child of the family”? LNL v HPYA [2016] 3 HKLRD 261 The main issue before the Court in this case was whether the child, CH, was a child of the family. The determination of this question was relevant to whether the husband…Read More


Good news for those employed in Hong Kong under English Law contracts

Many expatriate employees engaged to work in Hong Kong either generally or for specific periods, can often be employed under contracts expressly stated to be governed by the law of another jurisdiction.  Where contracts are expressed to be governed by the law of England and…Read More


Legal update: increase of Statutory Minimum Wage effective 1 May 2017

Employment Update (May 2017) Increase of Statutory Minimum Wage Effective from 1 May 2017, the rate of Statutory Minimum Wage has been raised to HK$34.50 per hour.  The monetary cap on the requirement of employers recording the total number of hours worked by employees has…Read More


Legal update: Government resubmits proposal for Labour Tribunal to order compulsory re-instatement or re-engagement of unlawfully dismissed employees

Employment Update (May 2017) On 5 May 2017 the Government published in the Gazette the Employment (Amendment) Bill 2017, which is to be introduced into the Legislative Council for first and second readings on 17 May 2017.   This resubmits, with minor amendments, the proposal set…Read More


The “no consent” letter regime. Protecting victims of internet fraud by ‘freezing’ the propriety rights of bank account holders.

On occasions public interest demands that the propriety rights in bank accounts are fettered to prevent criminals from dissipating proceeds of crime to the detriment of the victims. Internet fraud is rife.  To protect and recover money lost to fraud, victims can apply to a…Read More


Identity Theft: Breaking Barriers and Crossing International Borders

In the modern age, our ‘identity’ often materializes online in the form of social profiles, credit card information, and our overall digital footprint. Since our identity is spilling into the online realm, it is becoming an international problem, crossing oceans and borders. While much analysis…Read More