News & Media


Legal Update: Recent Discrimination Case Uplifts Potential Damages for “Injury to Feelings”

In Hong Kong, statutory damages for “injury to feelings” can be awarded to victims of unlawful discrimination pursuant to specific provisions of the relevant discrimination Ordinances. The amount of damages for injury to feelings broadly follows the so called “Vento scale” established in the United…Read More


Whose DAO Is it Anyway?

Litigation involving Decentralised Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) continues to be a rare occurrence, as legal frameworks surrounding cryptocurrency and blockchain technologies continue to evolve. The case of Mantra Dao Inc. and Another v. John Patrick Mullin and Others [2024] HKCFI 2099 presents a unique scenario, shedding…Read More


Looking back, looking forward: Highlights and prospects in Hong Kong data privacy regulation

There is never a dull moment in data privacy and protection. The global landscape is becoming increasingly complex with overlapping regulation and lack of international convergence. Although Hong Kong does not have these issues yet, 2024 witnessed some significant developments in 2024, setting the stage…Read More


Legal Update: Court rejects Deliveroo rider’s claim as employees

Web-Platform workers such as Uber drivers and food delivery ‘riders’ are part of a new and developing group in Hong Kong, which has greatly expanded during and following the COVID-19 pandemic. The District Court case of Gurung, Sanjayaman v Deliveroo Hong Kong Limited [2024] HKDC…Read More


Risk of not handling discrimination complaints properly. Victimisation claim even where the discrimination case is dismissed.

The English Employment Appeal Tribunal (“EAT”) judgment in Miss E Carozzi v University of Hertfordshire and Ms A Lucas [2024] EAT 169 (“Carozzi”) is a recent example demonstrating that victimisation claim can arise even where the underlying discrimination claim may not be meritorious and in…Read More


Artificial Intelligence: Regulatory Landscape in China and Hong Kong

Introduction Artificial intelligence (“AI”) is now a useful tool in many aspects of our lives. The public release of AI systems using generative pre-trained transformers in large language models has sparked widespread and popular adoption of GenAI tools. This, in turn, has attracted the attention…Read More


Internet Regulation in Hong Kong: An overview

1. Legal and enforcement framework 1.1 Which legislative and regulatory provisions govern the internet in Hong Kong? An internet service provider (ISP) will need a telecommunications licence to provide internet services in Hong Kong. It is for this reason that certain responses below refer to…Read More


Legal Update: Damages awarded for employee’s breach of fiduciary duties

In Green Light Multiplex Co. Ltd v Lam Shi Yan and Another [2024] HKCFI 2101, the Court of First Instance considered a dispute of an employee being alleged of breaching his fiduciary duties and an employer being alleged of breaching the implied duty of mutual…Read More


Legal Update: Recognition Order Granted notwithstanding SFC’s Restrictive Notice and Police’s Letter of No Consent

Tanner De Witt acted for Chan Ho Yin (also known as Michael Chan) of Kroll (HK) Ltd and Elaine Hanrahan, the Joint Liquidators of Bull’s-Eye Limited (in Liquidation) (“BEL”) which was wound up in the BVI on 15 January 2024. BEL is a company connected…Read More


Legal Update: Key Points on Employment Issues from 2024 Policy Address

In the 2024 policy address by the Chief Executive of Hong Kong SAR, a number of notable employment related issues were mentioned. We summarise the key issues below: Statutory Severance/ Long Service Payment Protection of Wages on Insolvency Fund Statutory Minimum Wage Employment Ordinance Russell…Read More


Telecom Regulation in Hong Kong: An overview

1. Legal and enforcement framework 1.1 Which legislative and regulatory provisions govern telecommunications in Hong Kong? Telecommunications in Hong Kong is primarily governed by the following legislation: 1.2 Which bodies are responsible for enforcing the applicable laws and regulations in the telecommunications sector? What powers do…Read More


Legal Update: The Court confirms that employer’s duty of trust and confidence does not apply to the right to terminate

In the recent decision of Yang Zhizhong v Nomura International (Hong Kong) Limited [2024] HKCFI 2192 handed down by the Court of First Instance, the employer was successful in defending against the claims of breaches of implied terms of the employment contract. In that case,…Read More