Joanne Brown admitted as a Fellow of the International Academy of Family Lawyers
01Nov2022Following the recent Family Law Firm of the Year award from Asian Legal Business, we are delighted to announce Joanne Brown has been admitted as a member of the International Academy of Family Lawyers.
IAFL: International Academy of Family Lawyers is a worldwide association of practising lawyers who are recognised by their peers as the most experienced and skilled family law specialists in their respective countries.
With this recognition, Joanne joins a small number of IAFL selected solicitors in Hong Kong.
About IAFL
IAFL enables Fellows practising international family law to obtain legal assistance of the highest calibre in another country. Fellows, non-IAFL lawyers and members of the public alike are able to search the IAFL website for the most highly regarded international family practitioners in the countries represented.
IAFL contains a wealth of experience of international practice, and Fellows frequently seek assistance from other Fellows on a wide range of issues. We share information with all Fellows through the members area of our website. IAFL provides Fellows with an invaluable network of contacts throughout the world.