Family Law


Tanner De Witt’s Family Practice ranked  and Joanne Brown recommended as Leading Family and Divorce Lawyer in Doyle’s Guide Hong Kong.

We are pleased to announce Partner and Head of the Family Practice at Tanner De Witt, Joanne Brown has again been  recommended in Doyle’s Guide Hong Kong as a “Leading Family & Divorce Lawyer” 2022 . Along with Adrian Au who was listed as one…Read More


Adrian Au ranked as 2022 Hong Kong Family Law Rising Stars

Tanner De Witt’s Family Practice Associate Adrian Au has been listed as one of Hong Kong’s ‘Family Law Rising Stars’ in Doyle’s Guide 2022 which identifies future leading lawyers within Family Law. Joanne Brown, Partner and Head of the Family Practice at Tanner De Witt says:  “Adrian is a skilled and empathetic lawyer who always goes the…Read More


Executors’ Power over Administration of an Estate

Recent High Court case Lam Man Cheung v Lam Man Yin [2022] HKCFI 866 concerns a dispute between executors and a beneficiary of an estate. The beneficiary, who is entitled to 40% interest of a property, requested the executors to execute an assent to vest…Read More


The end of the blame game in divorce in England and Wales, and what it means for Hong Kong

The Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act (2020) (the “Act”) came into force on 6 April 2022 in England and Wales, allowing couples to divorce without assigning blame, or what is often called ‘no-fault divorce’. What it means Before this significant reform, one spouse had to…Read More


Has the Administration of the Estate been Unacceptable?

In the recent High Court case Chu Wing Chuen Paul v Chu Oi Yan [2022] HKCFI 804, beneficiaries of the estate contend that the administrator did not act in their interest and failed to provide adequate estate accounts. While there was indeed a delay in…Read More


Legal update: Reciprocal enforcement of civil judgments of matrimonial and family cases in Hong Kong and Mainland China

This is an update to our article dated 15 June 2021 regarding Reciprocal enforcement of civil judgments of matrimonial and family cases in Hong Kong and Mainland China. The Mainland Judgments in Matrimonial and Family Cases (Reciprocal Recognition and Enforcement) Ordinance (Cap. 639) came into…Read More


Nesting Arrangements – will separating parents flock to this concept?

For separating and divorcing parents, one serious consideration often is: how will this relationship change affect our children? And rightly so.    While the separation and divorce process involves the breakdown of the parent’s relationship, the children’s lives are inevitably turned over.  Often, the children will…Read More


Results of 2022 Chambers Greater China Region Guide announced

Tanner De Witt is delighted once again to be recognised by Chambers & Partners in their inaugural 2022 Greater China Region Guide for each of its main practice areas. Please see full results and editorial commentary below. Corporate/M&A: Independent Hong Kong Firms (Band 2)Full ranking here. What the…Read More


Joanne Brown and Elizabeth Seymour-Jones named as finalists in inaugural ALB Women in Law Awards

We are delighted to announce that Partner Joanne Brown and Registered Foreign Lawyer Elizabeth-Seymour Jones have been named as finalists in the inaugural Asian Legal Business Women in Law Awards. Joanne and Elizabeth are finalists in the Private Practitioner of the Year (North Asia) and…Read More


Recognition of rights for same-sex partners and their children in Hong Kong

In a landmark ruling by the High Court last month the non-biological mother of two children born to her former same-sex partner was granted guardianship rights, joint custody and joint care and control of the children. The former couple had the children with the assistance…Read More


High Court rules Housing Authority policy amounts to unlawful discrimination against same-sex spouses

In another step forward for same-sex rights in Hong Kong, the High Court today handed down a judgment confirming that the Housing Authority’s policy excluding same-sex married couples from their Home Ownership Scheme (“HOS”) amounts to unlawful discrimination on the ground of sexual orientation. The…Read More


Legal update: Reciprocal enforcement of civil judgments of matrimonial and family cases in Hong Kong and Mainland China

Attempts to enforce civil judgments in family cases between Hong Kong and Mainland China have faced many difficulties in the past, despite Hong Kong’s reunification in 1997. With a view to promote further legal cooperation between the borders, on 20 June 2017, the Supreme People’s…Read More