Our Partners Pamela Mak and River Stone attended the Hong Kong Legal Services Forum 2023 held in Chengdu
25Aug2023Our Partners Pamela Mak and River Stone attended the Hong Kong Legal Services Forum 2023 held in Chengdu.
The forum addressed key concerns for enterprises in Sichuan and Chongqing, including sound risk management in the context of cross-border transactions and foreign investment. It also highlighted Hong Kong’s role as a “super-connector” and a centre for international legal and dispute resolution services.
Our China Practice Group was established in response to the growing need of clients in Hong Kong and overseas to understand better the legal and commercial landscape in Mainland China as well as of clients in Mainland China (the People’s Republic of China or PRC) to understand and develop their business and invest in Hong Kong and other parts of the world. Whilst we are a Hong Kong law firm advising on Hong Kong law, our knowledge and experience of China enable us to advise overseas clients who have or wish to establish business interests in China.