Tanner De Witt recognised in Global Restructuring Review’s GRR100 2021 list
19Nov2021We are delighted to announce that Tanner De Witt’s award-winning, top tier Restructuring and Insolvency practice is once again listed in the Global Restructuring Review’s GRR100 2021 compilation of the world’s leading law firms for cross-border restructuring and insolvency matters. We continue to be the only firm from Hong Kong included in this prestigious listing.

GRR’s feature on the practice highlighted the broad range of key matters on which the team has worked over the past year.
“Having a thorough knowledge of the law is a basic requirement, but it is [Tanner De Witt’s] commercial, reasonable, and proactive approach that cements them in the market,” says Julie Engwirda, partner at Harney Westwood & Riegels, “Ian De Witt and Robin Darton are the standout practitioners in this sphere, but I would like to mention that they have a solid bench of senior and junior lawyers in the team so if for any reason Ian or Robin are unavailable you can be assured of the same level of service from each member of their team.”
Charles Booth, professor and director at the University of Hawaii at Mānoa, William S Richardson School of Law, describes Tanner De Witt as a niche firm that does “excellent work” with a “strong bench”. He singles out De Witt and Darton for further praise, saying they are both “excellent lawyers and problem solvers”.
To read Tanner De Witt’s full listing (for GRR subscribers only), please click here.
About the GRR100 2021
This is the fifth edition of GRR’s annual guide. According to GRR, this edition was the most comprehensively compiled yet, featuring 152 firms from 36 jurisdictions. This edition was compiled by taking into account the work that law firms around the world were doing in 2020, against the backdrop of a game-changing pandemic, an initial flurry of global filings and then a relative lull – at least in some countries – as covid-19 government support measures kicked in. GRR states that the research period for this GRR 100 was an unprecedented year in many ways.
GRR requested that firms submit information on the history of their restructuring and insolvency practices, notable past cases, the key partners to know, how they seek to encourage gender diversity, their geographical scope and any particular specialisms.
To read the full GRR100 2021 list (for GRR subscribers only), please click here.