TDW Tech Talk


Approaching investors with confidence

Before approaching an investor, remember the five P’s: Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance. We recommend conducting background due diligence on the potential investor before meeting to see if the investor is suitable for your business. Here are a few topics to explore: 1. The investment…Read More


Data Breach Case Study: Data loss risk in our physical environment

“Human factors always play a significant role in data breaches.” These simple but wise words resonated in our review of a recent investigation report published by the Privacy Commissioner in Hong Kong on 13 June 2022 regarding the loss of physical files containing sensitive personal…Read More


Due Diligence Tips

Why should you prepare for Due Diligence? It is important to have all the materials concerning due diligence prepared and organised prior to approaching an investor. This will allow you to keep the focus on the actual funding process and transaction documents, rather than responding defensively…Read More


Term Sheets for Investment

1. What is a Term Sheet? A Term Sheet is a summary of the business, finance and legal terms that will apply to an investment round. Usually it is a not a legally binding document, except for a few provisions such as confidentiality, costs or…Read More


Legal update: Review and public consultation on cybersecurity law in 2022

In this snapshot legal update, we report that on 25 May 2022, in a written reply by Mr. Alfred Sit, the Secretary for Innovation and Technology, to Legislative Council questions on cybersecurity standards in Hong Kong, Mr. Sit confirmed that the Hong Kong Government is…Read More


Data breach: Lessons from a recent investigation report in Hong Kong

Investigation reports from the Privacy Commissioner are spilled milk stories that serve as salutary reminders to the mortals among us that there but for the grace of God, go we. This came to the fore again in the investigation report published by the Office of…Read More


Data Breach Response: Role of the Legal Team

Lawyers play a critical role in the response to a data breach. In this article, Pádraig Walsh from the Privacy and Cybersecurity practice group of Tanner De Witt explains the role of the legal team, why engaging external counsel is often essential, and the importance…Read More


Data Breach Response: Managing Liability

The stakes are high after a data breach. There is a clear and present danger of legal liability. In this article, Pádraig Walsh from the Privacy and Cybersecurity practice group of Tanner De Witt provides guidance on managing liability following a data breach. The primary…Read More


Data Breach Response: Ten Tips on Managing Regulatory Inquiries

A letter arrives from the Privacy Commissioner. There are awkward questions. Well, settle in for the long haul. You are now at the start of an inquiry. In this article, Pádraig Walsh from the Privacy and Cybersecurity practice group of Tanner De Witt provides ten…Read More


Data Breach Response: The importance of cyber insurance

Ask an insurance broker, and they will tell you that an insurer needs claims in order to survive. Ask an InfoSec expert, and they will tell you a data breach is inevitable. This is why cyber insurance has come of age. In this article, Pádraig…Read More


Data Breach Response: The role of the incident response team

There is no “i” in “team,” but there is I.T. in the incident response team to a data breach. In this article, Pádraig Walsh from the Privacy and Cybersecurity practice group of Tanner De Witt looks at the key people involved in the incident response…Read More


Data Breach Response: The management response

A data breach can be a crisis, and crisis management is a true test of character and leadership. In this article, Pádraig Walsh from the Privacy and Cybersecurity practice group of Tanner De Witt looks at how executive management should approach and respond to a…Read More