Insolvency Partner Ian De Witt To Join International Insolvency Institute


Tanner De Witt’s Insolvency Partner, Ian De Witt, has been invited to join the International Insolvency Institute (III). He will join fellow Hong Kong based members and Insolvency experts John Marsden of Mayer Brown JSM, John Lees of JLA Asia and Mr. Justice Jonathan Harris. The International Insolvency Institute is a non-profit, limited-membership organisation dedicated to advancing and promoting insolvency as a respected discipline in the international field. Its primary objectives include improving international co-operation in the insolvency area and achieving greater co-ordination among nations in multinational business reorganisations and restructurings. The Institute’s membership is drawn from the most senior and respected insolvency practitioners, judges and academics in the world and it has valuable liaisons with many of the most senior regulatory and administrative professionals in the insolvency field.

The Institute’s projects and activities focus on the following goals and objectives (among others):
1. promoting greater international co-operation and co-ordination in insolvencies and reorganisations through improvements in the law and in legal procedures;
2. studying, analysing and providing solutions to problems in cross-border insolvencies and reorganisations;
3. providing a forum for leading judges, academics, lawyers, accountants and financial regulatory professionals to share experiences with a view to improving international lending and credit and creditors’ remedies;
4. providing a unique and comprehensive central resource for insolvency, secured transactions and creditors’ remedies, materials and publications; and
5. developing co-ordinated systems and procedures for international co-operation that are suitable and acceptable to all of the member countries of the Institute.

The Institute’s International Resource Centre is developing a collection of international insolvency materials that it says will be unequalled anywhere in the world for comprehensiveness and accessibility. The Resource Centre emphasises electronic sources for insolvency materials and collects texts, periodicals and unpublished studies and analyses that focus on the international insolvency area.