Tanner De Witt to host Hodl A Drink: the Blockchain Week Edition


We are delighted to announce that we are hosting the Blockchain Week edition of Hodl A Drink, a monthly networking meetup organised by Crypto IB. The meetup will be held at our office from 7pm on Tuesday 5 March; it is an official side event to Hong Kong Blockchain Week (5 to 7 March).

The event is intended as a friendly inclusive meet-up for crypto, finance and token folks with no pitches or selling. In addition to the networking session, we are also hosting a fireside chat on the emergence of asset-backed tokens. Panel speakers include our very own Padraig Walsh, Brian Elders (Crypto IB), Yuen Wong (Bitmart), Roy Ma (L.A.B.S), Daniel De Weyer (Sterk Capital) and Edmund Lowell (KYC Chain).

This event is free and open to all but you must register: please click here or e-mail Charmaine Mirandilla to do so. Tickets are assigned on a first come, first served basis.